How Long Should an Introduction Be for a Literature Review

Literature reviews are surveys on different topics using scholarly sources. Literature reviews help understand the current knowledge on unlike topics and hence identify gaps, methods, and relevant theories existing in an surface area of written report.

To write a literature review ane needs to search for relevant literature, evaluate sources, identify themes and gaps, and outline structures. A good literature review will analyze, synthesize, and evaluate a study critically to give a clear picture of knowledge on that subject field.

How Long Should a Literature Review Be?

The length of a literature review depends on the audience and its purpose. The level of study also determines the length of a literature review.

Literature reviews of topics done by undergraduate students are expected to be shorter than literature reviews of postgraduate students.

Literature reviews of essays are also expected to be shorter than literature reviews done for a thesis or dissertation. But how long should it be?

Overall, The length of a literature review should be between 20% and xl% of the total project. This is because the length of your paper too determines the length of the literature review. Papers with a lot of content accept longer literature reviews than papers with lesser amounts of content.

There is a full general dominion that the length of the literature review should be proportional to the length of your newspaper.

Optimal Length of a Literature Review for different Projects

1. Optimal literature for Thesis

A thesis can be defined as a long essay that includes personal research done by undergraduate and post-graduate students. The length of a thesis depends on the level of report.

A thesis written by bachelor's degree students should be between xl-60 pages while a thesis written for primary's and doctorate studies should be between 60-100 pages.

The length of the literature review for a thesis should be at least 8 pages to the minimum. The optimal length of literature review for this should be xx% of the total length of the thesis project. The length varies with the length of the thesis a student is writing. For example, in a 40-page thesis, the literature review should be not less than 8 pages.

Not less than 12 pages for a 60-page thesis and not less than 16 pages for an fourscore-folio thesis. The literature review for a thesis should at least exist a whole chapter.

two. Literature review length for Dissertation

A dissertation is a research projection that is completed as part of a postgraduate or undergraduate caste. Dissertations let students to present their findings on areas of research that they cull themselves. The length of a dissertation varies depending on the field of study.

literature review writing

The discipline, type of analysis, and surface area of inquiry all decide the length of a dissertation.

The general length of a dissertation is usually between 150-300 pages.

A literature review for a dissertation should at least be between 40-60 pages. At that place is no specific set length for dissertation literature reviews. The length depends largely on your area of study.

If you lot take a short literature review, ask yourself whether there is other relevant research that you lot have non explored or if the data you have provided for what you explored is enough.

For proper preparation when writing a dissertation literature review practise the post-obit:

  • Search using key terms

Using key terms will assistance y'all make proper research and find many key terms to search. You will likewise straight find articles that are directly related to your area of report.

  • Immerse yourself into literature

Immersing yourself in literature helps yous massively explore your area of study and choose the right arroyo for your dissertation.

  • Consider the inquiry gaps

Focus on an area that has not been studied for your research. Recommendations made by authors can help y'all identify gaps in different areas of study.

  • Organize what you detect

Note down what you notice in sections to avert mixing of ideas. Copy and paste your findings to avoid losing them. Note the references of each researched work to avoid inconveniences afterward.

To write a literature review of your dissertations create an outline, write the paragraphs, clarify the study, and justify the methodology.

3. Literature review length for Published Periodical Articles

These are articles that are shorter than books and are written well-nigh very specific topics.

Recommended length of a literature review for journal

Journal articles are written regularly throughout the year and are written by experts for experts.

Journal articles can be original researches, brusque reports or messages, review articles, instance studies, or methodologies.

A published journal article should have an average of 5000 words.

The all-time length of the literature review section of published journal articles should be at least 2 pages or a few pages. This depends on their the length of the journal. Unlike topics vary in content that determines the length of the journal commodity.

The literature review of a 5000 words journal article should be between 1200-2000 words.

4. Literature review length for Research Paper

A research paper argues a point and analyses perspectives. It is centered on the writer'southward thinking which is backed by other ideas and data. To write a research paper, pick a topic if you lot are non provided with 1, do inquiry, and present it.

Conduct the research, organize the research, form a thesis, create an outline and so write your inquiry. After writing, edit the content and re-read information technology to make certain that your inquiry is set up for submission.

The length of a research newspaper should be at to the lowest degree 25% of the research paper or term newspaper. Even so, this usually depends on the expanse of report. There are also short inquiry papers and long research papers. Curt research papers accept between five-8 pages and are unremarkably directly to the signal.

The literature review of research papers depends on the length of the research papers. Short inquiry papers can have two-iii-page research reviews. The longer the research paper gets the longer the literature review should be.

Research papers are common and instructors tin can give a maximum length of the literature review. In such cases, the instructions of the instructor have to be followed.

5. All-time length for Capstone Paper literature

This is a form of academic newspaper that students write to summarize their experiences. There are normally written in the concluding twelvemonth of high school or middle schoolhouse as part of a university or higher course.

To write a capstone research newspaper recall of the topic you want to write, create a capstone projection proposal, gather data, and come up with a structure.

Later writing your newspaper proofread the text and prepare the defence force. The average length of a capstone newspaper is betwixt 20-25 pages. A capstone paper should non exceed the length of 45 pages.

A literature review of a capstone paper depends on its length and the instructions given by your faculty. For case, 20-25-page capstone paper should accept a 5 to six-page long literature review. The longer the paper gets the longer the literature review should exist.

After writing the literature review submit a draft to your capstone adviser for corrections before proceeding.

Optimal length for Essays

An essay is a piece of writing that can be used to back up an argument, present an idea, express emotion, or initiate debate. Ideas are presented in essays in a non-fictional fashion. There are many dissimilar types of essays. Essays tin can be a short as 500 words and every bit long as 10,00 words.

The length of the literature review section for an essay depends on the length of your essay. A 15-folio essay can have a 3-page long literature review. The lesser the pages the lesser the literature review. Therefore, there is no universal length for the literature review of an essay.

The more the pages, the longer the literature review. Literature reviews of essays should have an introduction, main body, and conclusion.

The introduction office should introduce your topic, introduce your point of view, review the literature and state the scope of the literature.

The chief trunk should organize the literature into themes, bear witness the relation between the called topic and the wider subject, and move from a general view to a specific view.

The conclusion should summarize the important aspects of the main body, identify areas for time to come study, and link your research to existing knowledge.

Factors Determining the Length of a Literature Review

1. Type of the Projection

The type of project y'all have determines the length of your literature review.

Literature Review Length

Dissertations have longer literature reviews than published journal articles.

A thesis has a longer literature review compared to essays.

I therefore will need to know the type of project at hand earlier starting and writing the literature review to avoid making mistakes.

Each blazon of projection has its specified length of the literature review.

2. The Number of Sources

The number of sources one has regarding a sure topic will determine the length of the work they right. Longer writings have longer literature review and shorter writing have a shorter literature review.

Sources of information determine the content one will gather before writing an essay. Information technology is the sources of information that will help you proceeds cognition of the topic you are handling.

The bottom the content and knowledge well-nigh a topic one has, the lesser the content and knowledge one will write. Without content and knowledge about a topic even formulating a literature review becomes hard.

When one has many sources of information ideas will flow and understanding of the area of study will increment. This helps one formulate accurate literature reviews and include the majority of data obtained from the sources in them.

3. Your Experience in Writing

Yous tin have everything needed to write a literature review of the required length but without experience writing, information technology may testify to be hard. If one has never written a literature review before, he or she volition feel difficulties in writing information technology.

In most cases, one may write too short or too long literature reviews. Transforming the information gathered into a literature review is hard.

This is why i may utilize too much or lesser information in the literature review. Such writers are advised to go through beginner tutorials to explicate the writing of literature reviews to avoid also many mistakes.

Experienced writers on the other manus know how to utilize every piece of information gathered and transform it into a literature review of the required size. Amateur literature review writers are also brash to seek help from experienced writers.

4. The Length of the Entire Projection

In most academic assignments instructors give students the length required in different projects. This length should guide students in determining the length of the literature review.

A literature review should not take the majority of your project. Longer assignments have longer literature reviews while shorter assignments accept shorter literature reviews.

Students should consider the number of words or pages provided past the instructor for certain assignments and judge the length that the literature review should exist.

The literature review reflects the whole content of your project. You lot can't take a curt literature review and a very long essay. You volition probably include things that do not chronicle to your literature review in the essay.

Short projects similar essays and term papers mostly have mini-reviews. Read this guide on how long a mini literature review is so that y'all can get the point.

5. The Topic Involved

Different topics unremarkably have different sources of information. Some topics are majorly researched on the internet and some topics are rarely researched.

The topics that many have people have looked into accept a lot of information that one tin use in writing literature reviews. This is contrary to the topics that have been looked into past few people and take little content.

A author will usually find it hard to write long literature reviews on such topics. Where y'all are asked for a specific length of an essay and given the mandate to choose a topic yourself, never choose a topic that has not been majorly researched which is likely to cause you problems writing the length required past the teacher.

6. The Technicality of the Research

Some topics are unremarkably hard for students to sympathise while others are piece of cake for students to understand. This usually varies amid students.

Some students volition detect history projects harder than science projects while to other students it is different.

Information technology is hard for students to write long literature reviews or essays on subjects or topics that they discover hard to understand. This is different in the subjects and topics that students enjoy.

7. Level of Report

This is the most obvious reason that influences the length of literature reviews. Postgraduate students will always exist required to write longer essays than undergraduate students. Their level of knowledge and understanding is different.

Though the post-graduate level is more complex, the students are expected to be able to handle the problems that the project poses. Postgraduate students are also required to conduct researches that provide them with more information virtually their projects, unlike undergraduate students.

8. Professor Factors

Professor factors that make up one's mind the length of the of a literature review include:

  • The number of words expected.

Well-nigh professors usually give the length that they wait the consignment they give to be. This length determines the length of the literature review. Some professors tin be specific and requite the length they expect the literature review of projects to be.

  • Availability.

If the professor feels similar he volition not have enough time to deal with projects of all students he can give shorter projects that he will be able to handle. If the professor is available, he tin can give longer assignments to the students.

  • Gauging students' understanding.

Professors can give long assignments to students to establish their level of understanding on an already tackled surface area. They use this to discover out how well can students employ the noesis proceeds in different areas.

Types of Literature Reviews

The most common types of literature reviews include argumentative reviews, integrative reviews, historical reviews, systematic reviews, systematic reviews, methodological reviews, and theoretical reviews. Argumentative and historical reviews are usually longer than the other types of reviews.

Projects Deadlines

Shorter deadlines usually limit students from conducting enough inquiry. The lesser the research one conducts the lesser the amount of data one has to write virtually.

This leads to brusk literature reviews. When one is given plenty time to carry inquiry they assemble all the data needed to write total-length projects hence longer literature reviews besides.

FAQs on Optimal Literature Review

How long should a literature review be in a research proposal?

Research proposals vary in length depending on the level of study and the topics involved. Longer literature proposals should have longer literature reviews whereas shorter research proposals should have shorter literature reviews.

Literature reviews are usually the longest parts of research proposals. The introduction and the methodology parts are always shorter. If your introduction part is 2 pages long and the methodology part is 4 pages long, the inquiry proposal should be longer than the 2.

How long does it take to write a literature review?

Most students do non know how long it should take to write a literature review considering the deadlines are determined past the professors.

Virtually believe that the time the professor sets the deadline is the time required to write a literature review. The time ane uses to write a literature review commonly depends on the hours allocated per day to do the work.

The more than the hours, the lesser days it will have. The lesser the hours the longer it will have. A literature review can have betwixt 2-half-dozen months to be completed.

How long should a literature review be for a PhD

A Ph.D. literature review is the main chapter of your Ph.D. thesis. Your Ph.D. literature review should access your field of research critically and present the current noesis that you lot accept gained from previous work.

The literature review should assistance you place the gaps in your cognition of your field. Virtually Ph.D. literature reviews are always between 6000-12000 words. The main focus of Ph.D. literature reviews is the quality of the work and not the quantity.


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